Verse 1:
Have you been in love and found yourself
Not knowing what do or what to say
To make her see of how you feel inside
Don’t hold back what’s in your heart
Don’t let the girl get away
Cause maybe one day you’re gonna regret
Those 3 little words that you didn’t say
Don’t hold what’s in your heart
Don’t let your mind speak for your heart
Cause maybe one day you’re gonna regret
Those 3 little words that you didn’t say
Verse 2:
Lub sib hawm ua koj nyob ze ntawm nws
Koj xav hais xav qhia los hais tsis tau
Vim koj tsis paub seb nws yuav xav li cas
Vim koj tsai nws lo lus teb
No…no don’t hold back what you got to say
Fate is giving a chance
So don’t you…don’t be 3 words late
Lub sib hawm tos koj lawm
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